Following our blog on Dessol last month, What’s In a Word? Everything When It Comes to Online Activity we publish further thoughts about words and design. Clever words and clever design. According to WiseGeek, Mesostics are poems ‘in which a vertical column of letters spells a word and the horizontal lines intersect with those letters…
What’s In a Word? Everything When It Comes to Online Activity

How to make the most of the words on your website. It may sound odd in this digital age, but the written word is vitally important online and particularly on websites. It goes without saying that a website should draw in traffic, hold it once arrived and make a commitment or direct sale if that…
Reliable and Affordable Managed Hosting

Here at Dessol, we offer a whole host of services for our clients. One of them being affordable, managed hosting. Our servers use amazon’s AWS server infrastructure, so you can be certain that your website will run reliably and serve content very quickly. We offer hosting for small websites -all the way up to load balanced…
Strong Password Generator

With more and more websites being targeted by hackers for your data, it is imperative that you have a strong password to all of your accounts. Strong passwords are hard to think of, so we have created a strong password generator which does the job for you. By default the Dessol strong password generator, generates passwords…
Why the death of Windows XP is important for web design

On the 8th of April 2014 we hit a modern milestone. The operating system we all learned to love has been tossed away by Microsoft. Finally, after 13 years, the updates have stopped (publicly). If we ignore the fact the British government is paying Microsoft £5.5 million to carry on providing updates for public services…
Is the internet really as free as you think?

Here in the UK, we take the internet for granted on a daily basis. We can find practically any piece of information we want, when we want, by simply visiting Google. But what if things were different. What if you couldn’t read up about world politics or world news. What if you couldn’t even check…